IP Address Report

The IP Address Report provides a current summary of all the different Client connections from the last SNIP Caster start event, sorted by the IP value used. Both past and present connections are shown.  Every IP address that has ever connected to your SNIP node is listed here.  It is likely this will include both legitimate NTRIP Client devices as well as a few web browsers and search engines if your Caster is available on a public IP.

A typical entry for one IP is shown below: connects with...
  Agent: NTRIP sNTRIP/1.1.0
    Port: 57717, Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 12:10:16 to Now.
      User: Anon PUSH_In: uBlox6T-bca Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NMEA Sent: 0 (Connected 20:57:03 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 20:57:03 (HH:MM:SS)


For each IP address entry, the NTRIP Agent used and the mountPt(s) requested by that user are also listed. Every unique  Agent (the NTRIP Client software used to connect to SNIP) used by this IP is sorted and listed.  This is then sorted for every Port or port range used.  In the example above there is only one Agent used.  If your users are tinkering with different NTRIP Client software, you will see each model listed here.  If your users are mobile and connecting with different cellular towers, you may see many IP values as they transverse the cellular  network. If a browser connects, perhaps seeking the Caster Table, you will see it as an entry.

For each entry,  both good and bad connection attempts from the IP/Agent/Port are noted.  The number of octets served as well as the time of connection is also noted.  Any currently connected users are noted with a green highlight, and their last reported location (from NMEA $GGA sentences) is listed, if one was provided.  Any PUSH-In users are noted with an orange highlight.  Currently banned IPs are also noted.

Because this information is considered private between the users of the SNIP node and the operator, it is not made available on public web pages.

A typical example is shown below, taken from one of our public open casters.  On an open NTRIP Caster which is being used by many people, the length of this report can become very long over time.  Here is a fragment from ntrip.use-snip.com:2101, edited to protect the privacy of the end users:

142.xxx.xxx.020 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKBridgeX/1.0
    Port: [35954~47539], Connections spanning from Mon, 2 July 11:24:05 to Now. 
      User: Hi MountPt: r-MountPt-3 Connections: 4, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 456 (Connected 01:29:00 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 13:09 MIN:SEC 
142.xxx.xxx.074 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP DigiFarm/1.5.201804061547 "iOS_GPS"
    Port: 53179, Connections spanning from Mon, 2 July 11:09:47 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon MountPt: r-MountPt-3 Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 14 (Connected 07:00 MIN:SEC Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 07:00 MIN:SEC
142.xxx.xxx.102 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP Hemisphere S321
    Port: [46488~56980], Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 15:05:20 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon PUSH_In: r-MountPt-3 Connections: 4, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 02:58 MIN:SEC Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 02:58 MIN:SEC
142.xxx.xxx.123 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP trimble 2.0
    Port: [12078~64093], Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 15:05:25 to Now. 
      User: Anon PUSH_In: D-MountPt-Q Connections: 3, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 2 Days 21:47 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 2 Days 21:47 (HH:MM) 
153.xxx.xxx.201 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.2
    Port: 51646, Connections spanning from Sat, 30 June 01:22:20 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: T-MountPt-e Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 2 Days 11:31 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 2 Days 11:31 (HH:MM) 
153.xxx.xxx.017 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.2
    Port: [53411~53414], Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 15:05:22 to Now. 
      User: Anon PUSH_In: K-MountPt-U Connections: 4, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 2 Days 21:47 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 2 Days 21:47 (HH:MM) 
157.xxx.xxx.133 connects with... 
  Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)
    Port: 1879, Connections spanning from Sun, 1 July 17:37:04 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: robots.txt Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 19:16:25 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
160.xxx.xxx.176 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.2
    Port: [6978~62875], Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 15:06:08 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: T-MountPt-W Connections: 8, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 2 Days 21:45 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 14:52:16 (HH:MM:SS) 
163.xxx.xxx.094 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.2
    Port: 49169, Connections spanning from Mon, 2 July 06:50:08 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: T-MountPt-e Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 06:03:20 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 06:03:20 (HH:MM:SS) 
163.xxx.xxx.231 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.2
    Port: [27767~49743], Connections spanning from Mon, 2 July 00:21:00 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: A-MountPt-h Connections: 28, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 12:26:39 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 12:17:26 (HH:MM:SS) connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP u-blox
    Port: [49162~49164], Connections spanning from Mon, 2 July 06:43:07 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: T-MountPt-e Connections: 2, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 06:08:46 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 06:08:46 (HH:MM:SS) 
163.xxx.xxx.106 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.2
    Port: [49165~49172], Connections spanning from Sun, 1 July 18:17:19 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon MountPt: K-MountPt-O Connections: 3, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 422 (Connected 35:20 MIN:SEC Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 23:43 MIN:SEC
163.xxx.xxx.120 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP RTKLIB/2.4.3 demo5
    Port: [33656~42328], Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 18:29:42 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon MountPt: P-MountPt-G Connections: 16, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 03:31:39 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 02:10 MIN:SEC
166.xxx.xxx.223 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP Polyexplore
    Port: [10327~64992], Connections spanning from Fri, 29 June 16:40:48 (then disconnected) 
      User: no**username MountPt: P-MountPt-s Connections: 17, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 18:25 MIN:SEC Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 38 seconds
166.xxx.xxx.037 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP LefebureAndroidIntNTRIPClient/20180528
    Port: [8516~52106], Connections spanning from Sat, 30 June 00:45:08 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon MountPt: B-MountPt-E Connections: 5, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 31 (Connected 04:40 MIN:SEC Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 01:40 MIN:SEC
166.xxx.xxx.223 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP TopconNtrip/1.0.4
    Port: 46798, Connections spanning from Sat, 30 June 15:27:04 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: B-MountPt-B Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 1 Day 21:26 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 1 Day 21:26 (HH:MM)


When a single user connects from the same IP but with different software at different times, the result is more like the below.

085.xxx.xxx.172 connects with... 
  Agent: NTRIP LefebureNTRIPClient/20131124
    Port: 50205, Connections spanning from Sat, 30 June 08:49:48 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: T-MountPt-1 Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 2 Days 04:03 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 2 Days 04:03 (HH:MM) 
    Port: 50677, Connections spanning from Sun, 1 July 01:30:34 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon MountPt: b-MountPt-1 Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 42 (Connected 07:27 MIN:SEC Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 07:27 MIN:SEC
    Port: [50206~50676], Connections spanning from Sat, 30 June 08:50:13 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: T-MountPt-e Connections: 2, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 1 Day 11:23 (HH:MM) Overall)
      Connected for: 1 Day 11:23 (HH:MM) 
  Agent: NTRIP sNTRIP/2.02.00
    Port: [53274~64262], Connections spanning from Sat, 30 June 00:42:22 (then disconnected) 
      User: Anon PUSH_In: T-MountPt-1 Connections: 3, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 03:42:52 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      The prior connection lasted: 41:06 MIN:SEC
  Agent: ntrip.py/0.1
    Port: 62333, Connections spanning from Sun, 1 July 15:22:32 to Now. 
      User: nonuser MountPt: m-MountPt-t Connections: 1, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 21:30:57 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 21:30:57 (HH:MM:SS) 
    Port: [62341~62346], Connections spanning from Sun, 1 July 15:23:35 to Now. 
      User: nonuser MountPt: m-MountPt-t Connections: 2, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 21:29:40 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 21:29:40 (HH:MM:SS) 
    Port: [62439~62482], Connections spanning from Sun, 1 July 15:33:11 to Now. 
      User: Anon MountPt: m-MountPt-t Connections: 6, Failed: 0 , NEMA Sent: 0 (Connected 21:16:02 (HH:MM:SS) Overall)
      Connected for: 21:16:02 (HH:MM:SS)


Banned IPs

At the bottom of the report a list of the current temporarily banned IPs is also provided (if any are present).  The IP values are obscured to protect the privacy of the users.  This section of the report is a small extract from the full banned IP report which is described further here (link to be provided with 2.04 release).

Requesting the Report

This report can be obtained in several ways as shown in the table below.

Invoke this Report as follows:
Web Command:None
Doc Command:IPs button in viewer toolbar
SNIP Window:Menu: Reports -> Network Traffic -> IP Connections

This report cannot be requested over the web for security reasons.

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